Five Good Things for 11/10/2015

Five things I encountered today that were interesting, educational, beautiful, edifying or that I otherwise found to be…well, good. None of these are promotions and I do not receive any benefit from sharing them. I just like them.

giphyI’m still struggling to find my footing this week, what with having to completely change up my habits to factor in the fact that I don’t have a car right now, the cost of getting said car fixed, some crazy work hours, and, oh yeah, apparently when I was working said crazy hours on Sunday my dog took a giant dump in my supervisor’s office which she found this morning. Guys, I’m not loving this week. I hope you are though! I’ll try to do better, myself. Starting with a very feminist Five Good Things.

download1) Okay, this is a heavy one, but I think it’s important. Comedian and actor Margaret Cho is telling her stories of sexual abuse and encouraging others to share theirs through her #12DaysofRage hashtag and videos. It’s leading up to the release of her music video “I Wanna Kill My Rapist”. She’s getting some really ugly responses, but also a lot of great ones from women who never told their stories or felt like it they were allowed be furious at what was done to them. Her story, and all their stories, deserve our attention. Don’t judge, just listen.

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